
The training initiatives and activities for doctoral candidates in PROVIDE are designed to offer a comprehensive and multidisciplinary educational experience. These training initiatives position the doctoral candidates (DCs) in PROVIDE to become well-equipped, versatile researchers, capable of making impactful contributions to vestibular loss research and other societal challenges requiring a patient-centered approach to healthcare innovation. Some of these outstanding and unique training elements include:

Advanced Research Skills Development

DCs are involved in cutting-edge research projects, developing specialist knowledge and technical skills in vestibular disorders. DCs have access to exceptional expertise, state-of-the-art research facilities, and methodologies, allowing them to contribute to significant advancements in their field.

Transferable Skills Training

PROVIDE’s program also includes training in transferable skills such as scientific communication, data management, research ethics, and intellectual property rights. DCs develop a well-rounded skillset, making them versatile and adaptable professionals suited for various career paths in academia, industry, or healthcare.

Personal and Professional Development

Emphasis is placed on personal empowerment and effectiveness, with training tailored to individual career aspirations. DCs generate personalized career development planning and mentoring, fostering their growth as independent researchers and future leaders in their field.

Collaboration with Industry and Clinical Leaders and Patient Advocacy Groups

DCs are in direct contact with leading clinical and industrial partners in the research and management of vestibular disorders. In this way, DCs gain firsthand experience in applied research and product development, bridging the gap between academic research and practical healthcare solutions and addressing the societal impact of research.

Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral Training

DCs receive training that spans across multiple disciplines, integrating scientific, clinical, and technological expertise. Unique Opportunity: DCs engage in cross-sectoral collaborations, gaining exposure to both academic and industry perspectives. This approach equips them with diverse skills and insights, critical for addressing complex health challenges.

International Exposure and Mobility

The program encourages international collaborations and mobility, providing DCs with a global perspective on vestibular loss research. DCs benefit from international secondments and collaborations, enhancing their understanding of different healthcare systems and research environments.